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RUF briquettes

RUF briquettes are a modern biofuel produced from wood waste. These briquettes have gained popularity due to their high performance characteristics, environmental friendliness and ease of use. In this article we will take a detailed look at the production process of RUF briquettes, their positive characteristics and advantages, as well as their application in various fields.


History and origin

ruf The production of RUF briquettes began in Germany in the 1980s. The developer of the technology was RUF Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, which specializes in the production of briquetting press machines. The main idea was the rational use of wood waste and the creation of efficient fuel for heating.


RUF briquette production process

The production of RUF briquettes includes several main stages, each of which plays an important role in ensuring the high quality of the final product.

  1. Preparation of raw materials
    The raw materials for the production of RUF briquettes are wood waste: sawdust, shavings, bark and other small fractions of wood. Raw materials are thoroughly cleaned of foreign materials and impurities such as stones, metal and plastic. It is important that the raw materials are homogeneous and meet certain standards.
  2. Drying of raw materials
    Dried raw materials are of key importance for high-quality production of briquettes. The moisture content of the source material must be reduced to 8-12%, which is achieved using special drying units. Dry raw materials ensure the strength and durability of the finished briquettes.
  3. Crushing and grinding
    After drying, wood waste is crushed to a homogeneous fraction. This stage is necessary to ensure that the raw materials are evenly distributed during pressing and form dense briquettes. The particle size of crushed raw materials is usually 1-3 mm.
  4. Pressing
    The main stage in the production of RUF briquettes is pressing. The crushed and dried raw materials are fed into a press machine, where they are subjected to high pressure (up to 300 bar). During the pressing process, wood particles are sintered, forming dense and durable briquettes. No additional binding substances are used, which makes RUF briquettes environmentally friendly.
  5. Forming and cutting
    The finished briquettes come out of the press machine in the form of rectangular blocks with characteristic stiffening ribs. These fins ensure better air circulation and uniform burning of the briquettes. The length of briquettes is usually 15-25 cm, and the weight of one briquette is about 1 kg.
  6. Packaging and storage
    Chilled briquettes are packed in plastic bags or boxes for further transportation and storage. It is important that briquettes are stored in dry conditions to avoid absorbing moisture and losing their fuel properties.



Positive characteristics and advantages of RUF briquettes

RUF briquettes have a number of positive characteristics that make them an attractive choice for consumers.

  1. Vysokaya plotnost' i kaloriynost'
    Brikety RUF imeyut vysokuyu plotnost' (do 1.0-1.2 g/sm³), chto obespechivayet ikh dlitel'noye goreniye i vysokuyu kaloriynost'. Odin kilogramm takikh briketov vydelyayet primerno 4200-4500 kkal teplovoy energii, chto sopostavimo s pokazatelyami nekotorykh vidov uglya.
  2. Nizkoye soderzhaniye vlagi
    Brikety RUF soderzhat vsego 8-12% vlagi, chto znachitel'no nizhe, chem u obychnykh drov (do 20-30%). Nizkoye soderzhaniye vlagi sposobstvuyet boleye polnomu sgoraniyu topliva i minimal'nomu obrazovaniyu dyma.
  3. Ekologichnost'
    Proizvodstvo briketov RUF osushchestvlyayetsya iz drevesnykh otkhodov, chto sposobstvuyet ratsional'nomu ispol'zovaniyu prirodnykh resursov. Brikety ne soderzhat vrednykh primesey i dobavok, chto delayet ikh bezopasnymi dlya zdorov'ya i okruzhayushchey sredy. Pri ikh szhiganii vydelyayetsya minimal'noye kolichestvo uglekislogo gaza i drugikh vrednykh veshchestv.
  4. Udobstvo ispol'zovaniya i khraneniya
    Brikety RUF kompaktny i udobny v ispol'zovanii. Oni legko ukladyvayutsya i khranyatsya, zanimaya men'she mesta po sravneniyu s drovami. Krome togo, oni ne ostavlyayut mnogo musora i pyli pri transportirovke i ispol'zovanii.
  5. Universal'nost' primeneniya
    Brikety RUF mogut ispol'zovat'sya v razlichnykh tipakh otopitel'nykh sistem: kaminakh, pechakh, kotlakh i dazhe mangalakh. Ikh stabil'noye i ravnomernoye goreniye obespechivayet komfortnoye i effektivnoye otopleniye pomeshcheniy.
  6. Dlitel'noye goreniye
    Blagodarya vysokoy plotnosti i nizkomu soderzhaniyu vlagi, brikety RUF obladayut dlitel'nym vremenem goreniya, chto pozvolyayet ekonomit' toplivo i umen'shayet chastotu zakladki novykh portsiy topliva. Eto osobenno udobno pri ispol'zovanii v nochnoye vremya ili v dlitel'nyye periody otsutstviya kontrolya nad otopitel'noy sistemoy.
  7. Minimal'noye kolichestvo zoly
    Pri szhiganii briketov RUF obrazuyetsya minimal'noye kolichestvo zoly (okolo 1%), chto znachitel'no uproshchayet obsluzhivaniye otopitel'nykh sistem i umen'shayet neobkhodimost' chastoy chistki dymokhodov i kotlov.
  8. Ещё 2 101 / 5 000
  9. High density and calorie content
    RUF briquettes have a high density (up to 1.0-1.2 g/cm³), which ensures their long-term combustion and high calorie content. One kilogram of such briquettes emits approximately 4200-4500 kcal of thermal energy, which is comparable to that of some types of coal.
  10. Low moisture content
    RUF briquettes contain only 8-12% moisture, which is significantly lower than conventional firewood (up to 20-30%). Low moisture content promotes more complete combustion of fuel and minimal smoke formation.
  11. Environmentally friendly
    RUF briquettes are produced from wood waste, which contributes to the rational use of natural resources. Briquettes do not contain harmful impurities and additives, which makes them safe for health and the environment. When they are burned, a minimal amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful substances are released.
  12. Ease of use and storage
    RUF briquettes are compact and easy to use. They are easy to stack and store, taking up less space compared to firewood. In addition, they do not leave a lot of debris and dust during transportation and use.
  13. Versatility of use
    RUF briquettes can be used in various types of heating systems: fireplaces, stoves, boilers and even barbecues. Their stable and uniform combustion ensures comfortable and efficient heating of rooms.
  14. Long burning
    Due to their high density and low moisture content, RUF briquettes have a long burning time, which saves fuel and reduces the frequency of adding new fuel portions. This is especially convenient when used at night or during long periods without control of the heating system.
  15. Minimum amount of ash
    When burning RUF briquettes, a minimum amount of ash is formed (about 1%), which greatly simplifies the maintenance of heating systems and reduces the need for frequent cleaning of chimneys and boilers.


Use examples and customer reviews

Numerous consumer reviews confirm the high efficiency and ease of use of RUF briquettes. Here are some examples of their use:

  1. Heating of private houses and dachas
    Many owners of private houses and dachas use RUF briquettes to heat their homes. They note that such briquettes provide stable and long-lasting heat, and also reduce fuel costs.
  2. Fireplaces and stoves
    RUF briquettes are often used to fire fireplaces and stoves. Their even combustion and minimal amount of smoke make them an ideal choice for creating a cozy atmosphere in the home.
  3. Boilers and solid fuel heating systems
    RUF briquettes are suitable for use in various solid fuel boilers and heating systems. They ensure high boiler efficiency and minimal maintenance costs.
  4. Grills and barbecues
    RUF briquettes are also used for cooking over an open fire. They provide uniform and long-lasting combustion, which allows you to cook on the grill or barbecue with minimal effort.


Economic and environmental advantages of RUF briquettes

The use of RUF briquettes brings significant economic and environmental benefits. Let's take a closer look at them.

Economic benefits

  1. Reduced heating costs: thanks to their high calorie content and long burning time, RUF briquettes can reduce fuel costs. This is especially true in the context of rising prices for traditional fuels such as coal and gas.

  2. Ease of transportation and storage: the compactness and strength of RUF briquettes simplify their transportation and storage, which reduces logistics costs.

  3. Minimum maintenance: the low ash content and minimal smoke generation when burning RUF briquettes reduces the need for frequent cleaning of heating systems and chimneys, which also contributes to cost savings.

Environmental benefits

  1. Rational use of wood waste: the production of RUF briquettes makes it possible to effectively use wood waste, which otherwise could become a source of environmental pollution.

  2. Low emissions: when burning RUF briquettes, a minimal amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful substances are released, which helps reduce the negative impact on the atmosphere.

  3. Reduced deforestation: using wood waste to produce RUF briquettes reduces the need for deforestation for fuel, which helps preserve forest ecosystems.


RUF briquettes are a highly efficient, environmentally friendly and easy-to-use fuel that enjoys well-deserved popularity among consumers. Their unique characteristics such as high density, low moisture content and long burning time make them an excellent choice for a variety of heating systems and applications.